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4 Steps To Quickly Dry Breast Pump Parts at Work (Plus 3 Bonus Tips)

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When I returned to work, I was faced with a whole new set of challenges with pumping. One of the difficult things with pumping at work was drying my pump parts. This is because my pump parts did not have enough time to air dry between pumping sessions. I tried out a few methods to find one that worked for me.

So, how do you quickly dry breast pump parts at work? This is the quickest way I found to dry pump parts at work. When I used this method my parts were dry in time for my next pump session.

  • Wash the parts with hot, soapy water
  • Shake the parts to remove water drops
  • Use the hand dryer to dry parts
  • Set the parts on a clean paper towel to finish drying

This method worked well for me most of the time when I needed to quickly clean and dry my pump parts. There are a few nuances to the process that I’ll explain.

I also found that I did not always have access to a sink after I pumped at work. To combat this problem, I found a few other methods. I wanted to ensure that my pump parts were dry in time for my next pump session.

The Fastest Way To Dry Pump Parts At Work

The first step to making sure that pump parts dry quickly at work is to make sure they are clean. One trick is to rinse off the milk first with cool water. The first cool water rinse will help remove any sticky residue from the plastic pump parts.

Next, be sure to completely disassemble all of the pump parts and wash them with hot, soapy water.

If you are using a community sink, it is important to not use the sink for soaking your pump parts. You do not want to accidentally transfer germs from the sink to your pump parts.

One option is to bring a separate wash basin, such as a large bowl or plastic Tupperware container to use for washing. Another option is to rinse with hot soapy water while you hold the pump parts in your hand.

After the pump parts have been washed, rinse them again with hot water. The hot water will help the pump parts to dry more quickly.

The second step after cleaning is to shake the pump parts over the sink. This is to remove as many large droplets of water as possible. Give each piece a good shake for a few seconds.

Third, after you’ve shaken off as much water as possible, hold the pump parts under a clean hand dryer. The warm air will help to blow off excess moisture.

If you have a power outlet, you can also try blowing the pump parts with a hair dryer. The warm air from the hair dryer will help to speed up the drying process.

Finally, set the parts out on a mat or a clean paper towel to finish drying. If the parts are not allowed to air dry, then they may not finish drying before your next pump session.

For example, if they are placed into a plastic Ziploc bag, then any remaining moisture will not be able to evaporate.

When I followed these steps, my pump parts were dry before my next pumping session a few hours later.

Alternate Method #1 – Use A Steam Sanitizer Cleaning Bag

I was lucky that there was a hand dryer in our lactation room at work. However, occasionally I had to pump in my office and I did not have access to the hand dryer.

When this would happen, I would pump and clean my pump parts the same way. First I would wash with warm, soapy water.

Then, I would shake as much excess water off the parts as possible. But, instead of using the hand dryer, I would put the pump parts into a steam sanitizer bag and then steam clean the parts in the microwave.

The steam cleaning bag helped create very tiny water droplets on the pump parts. These tiny water droplets air dried quickly. This meant that I had completely dry pump parts a few hours later when it was time for my next pumping session.

Alternate Method #2 – Use Quick Cleaning Spray Or Quick Cleaning Wipes

Occasionally I did not have time to fully clean and dry my pump parts. Sometimes this is because I had a meeting scheduled right after my pump session, and I needed to finish as quickly as possible.

In these cases, I would have a quick cleaning sanitizing spray and wipes in my pump bag.

The sanitizing spray worked well to quickly remove the milk from the shields and flanges. The drawback was it was not as good of a clean as washing and soaking my pump parts, but it worked in a pinch.

I also found quick cleaning wipes for cleaning off my pump parts in between sessions. Like the sanitizing spray, it worked well in a pinch.

The main drawback was that I knew that the wipes couldn’t reach into all the tiny nooks and crannies of the pump parts.

The benefit to the spray and the quick cleaning wipes is that I had an option to clean my pump parts if I did not have access to a sink.

When I used these methods to clean pump parts, once I got home I went ahead and thoroughly soaked and washed my pump parts. This is to make sure they were sparkly clean at the end of the day.

I checked around and found that the quick clean wipes were the least expensive when I bought them in bulk on Amazon. Here is a link to the brand that I like to use.

Alternate Method #3 – Bring 2 Or 3 Sets Of Pump Parts To Work

The final method I found was actually the quickest method during my workday.

When I knew that my day would be very busy, I decided to not worry about cleaning after pumping. Instead, I brought two or three extra sets of pump parts to work.

After pumping, I would put the dirty set of pump parts into a wet/dry bag. When it was time for my next pumping session, I pulled a fresh new set of pump parts out of a clean Ziploc bag and hooked up to the pump.

Once I was home for the day I went through my normal cleaning routine.

Here is a link to my favorite wet/dry bag. It is high quality and comes in a bunch of really cute prints.

Related Questions

Do Breast Pump Parts Need To Be Dry?

It is important for breast pump parts to be dry before beginning pumping because any moisture from the pump parts can affect the suction on the pump. Wet parts can also cause moisture to be pulled into the tubing, potentially leading to the growth of mold.

Why Do Breast Pump Parts Need To Air Dry?

Pump parts need to air dry. If a towel or cloth is used to dry the parts, germs can be transferred from the towel onto the pump parts, and then into the pumped milk. Allowing pump parts to air dry will minimize the risk of germs being transferred.

How Often Should You Sterilize Pump Parts?

The CDC recommends that pump parts be sterilized once per day for infants under three months of age. This will help provide extra protection for a young child that does not have a fully developed immune system.


Recommended Reading

  1. Find your perfect pump bag – Sarah Wells Vs. JuJuBe Pump Bags (Best Stylish Pump Bags)
  2. All my best tips for pumping milk – 17 Best Pumping Tips for Beginners
  3. Best strategies for pumping milk at daycare – How To Pump Milk For Daycare
  4. Watch out for these side effects you may experience from eating lactation cookies – 7 Terrible Side Effects From Eating Lactation Cookies

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